Gown: Sarah Mensah’s OhemaaCloset Golden Gye Nyame Gown for the Ghana Independence Ball 2015

OhemaaCloset just turned it up a notch!

Gown-Sarah Mensah's Golden Gye Nyame Gown for the Ghana Independence Ball 2015 1
Sarah Mensah, the designer behind OhemaaClosetwore this spectacular gown to the Ghana Independence Ball 2016 at the Howard Theatre in Washington, D.C.
Gown-Sarah Mensah's Golden Gye Nyame Gown for the Ghana Independence Ball 2015 2
She calls it the Golden Gye Nyame Gown. Gye Nyame is an adrinka symbol and means “Expect God” or “Only God” in the Twi language, spoken primarily by the Akan tribes of Ghana. This symbol represents the omnipotence and supremacy of God.
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